Keep Sugarbush With You All Year Long

You’re probably thinking, “what on earth are they on about now, keep Sugarbush with you all year long?” Well if you’re like me, someone who likes to switch things up every so often (sorry to every office-mate I’ve ever had…) this is the perfect thing for you. I’ve made a collection of some of my favorite winter scenics from up on the mountain for you all to have as your new computer backgrounds! Switching up my computer and phone backgrounds is one of my favorite ways to mix things up a bit, and be able to relive some great memories associated with each new wallpaper. Yesterday, we shared some fun winter phone backgrounds that could easily be screenshotted and added into your wallpaper rotation. Head to our highlights on Instagram to check those out!! This collection, formatted for your screen, features our favorite views on and off the mountain. That way, you too, can be flooded with your favorite Sugarbush memories all year long.

Jump to Desktop Wallpapers

A Look at Our Featured Scenic Wallpapers

  1. Head to our new Winter Scenic Desktop Wallpaper Collection
  2. Pick your favorite from the gallery
  3. Hover your cursor over the image, and click the download arrow in the bottom left corner
  4. Find the image saved to your downloads on your computer and set as background!

Please remember images are for personal use only.

Rest of Season and Summer Ops Update

We’ll say so long to the 2023/24 winter season and set our sights ahead to summer. In order to work around the new Heaven’s Gate Quad construction, we are making some adjustments to our summer operating schedule.

Find Us

123 Main Street
New York, NY 10001

Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM