One Last Hurrah

The home stretch. The final countdown. The last hurrah. Call it what you will, but Father Winter is gasping his last breaths here at Sugarbush. There are just two long weekends left before the bull wheels stop spinning and the summer prep begins. When it’s all said and done, it will be one of our longest ski seasons in recent memory. 

Last hurrahs for any sort of activity can often be the most memorable. You know, recency bias and all that. It’s tying a knot on the good times with nostalgia taking a seat at the table. Consider something you frequently did in your life, and you will likely remember that last time. The final night with friends before graduation, the closing mile of a race, the last big occasion your family all got together. 

Well, it’s no different for your ski season. The mountain beckons for you to make one more closing memory to last you through the warmer months. Sure, you may have plenty of ski days already this season, hopefully full of holiday cheer or fluffy turns, but there’s nothing quite like that late season vibe. Come crush some spring bumps on Stein’s (RIP #SaveTheWhales) and then crush the well-earned libations afterward. Sunscreen and water recommended. Some say you wait all year to ski in the spring. There’s nothing quite like riding the lift unburdened from all those winter layers. 

If lasts are too sentimental to bear, try watering it down with some firsts. For the first time in years, Ski & Tee Weekend is back. Whip down the hill and then rip off some swings at the Sugarbush Resort Golf Club on our final two days. Become the master of multisport weekends. 

Oh and one important final note for the superstitious skier: there’s no need to call out that this is the last time. Lifetime achievement awards go to those who never call out their ski day. Two more skip the last right? Or maybe I’m the only one who says that these days…  

See you on the mountain,
John Bleh