Alright folks, thanks to the hard work of our snowmaking team and a little cooperation from Mother Nature, we’re set to a day early this season on Friday, November 17th!
We’ll be operating the Gate House Quad from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM providing access to a groomed Pushover, Slowpoke, Lower Pushover, and Sugarbear Road. The first 200 guests to show up will receive a limited-edition Opening Day hat, as well as a free breakfast sandwich. We’ll also have $5 Lawson’s drafts available all day. Heads up though, given the time of year, early season conditions are to be expected, so be aware of your surroundings and fellow snow enthusiasts. Starting Friday, we will begin operating seven days a week for the 2023/24 winter season.

On Saturday, we’re hosting its annual kickoff party, The Big Kicker, from 5:00 to 9:00 PM. There will be live music from the Party Crashers, a bonfire, rail jam, food and drink, and community partners including High Fives, VASS, US Forest Service, Mad River Riders, Mad River Valley Backcountry Coalition, Long Trail, Catamount Trail Association, Flyin’ Ryan, and the Kelly Brush Foundation.
Moving forward, we plan to continue expanding terrain as snowmaking temps allow and will next focus on the Heaven’s Gate pod before eventually connecting it down to the base. Keep an eye on our snow report, as our plans continue to unroll.
Dust off the skis, dig out your passes, and get ready for another winter.