iSpys: Sugarbush Missed Connections

Finding love isn’t always easy…especially when you’re 3 sweat-wicking layers and a helmet and goggles deep, completely unidentifiable, and only have a ~5 minute or so chairlift ride to make an impression. You have to get through the pleasantries, the small talk, the “what-have-you-skied-so-far-today” chit chat, before, if you’re brave enough, or if you even have time, asking your fellow lift mate if they might want to hang out sometime. Or perhaps, the apple of your eye isn’t even next to you on the chair…maybe you brushed by them on the way into Gate House for an emergency bathroom trip between laps. Maybe you saw them rippin’ through Reimergasse from up on Sunny Q, only to never see them again. Maybe you’ve fallen for the snow reporter because her puns are so funny. Perhaps the lifty who slowed down the chair for you and asked “…are you okay?” when you toppled over in the lift line, is your soulmate.

Well luckily for you, Sugarbush iSpys are here. These lovesick skiers and riders spotted someone on or around the slopes who really peaked (ha ha because mountains) their interest, and they’re ready to (anonymously) shoot their shot. Check these out: maybe one is about you! With Valentines Day right around the corner, it’s high time to meet the love of your life, the Sugarbear to your Forest, the Wind Hold to your Summit, the Racer to your Edge, the Allyn’s to your -20 degree Windchill, the–

Okey dokey, enjoy your inaugural round of Sugarbush iSpys. Happy Valentines Day.

“I Spy: The Mall Man”

To the older gentleman I often see on my way up the Valley House Chair–gee whizz can you shred! Your knit hat and backwards goggles never fail to make me smile–would you forgo your beloved trail of icy moguls and lap a groomer with me sometime?

“I Spy: Snowmaker? More like DAY Maker;)”

You slid right by me on Waterfall on what looked to me like the lid of a trash can. Your high-vis yellow jacket caught my eye and I called out to you, but to no avail as your DeWalt safety earmuffs and the hiss of snow guns must have drowned out my voice. Let me take you sledding sometime, I hear a toboggan is more efficient than a metal lid.

“I Spy: Mad for You”

I always swore I’d never date a snowboarder…until I saw you dodging trees like a secret agent in the Paradise woods. I would give up my Mad River pass to ski…er, ride…with you every day at Sugarbush. I might even be willing to give sideways shredding a try myself…

“I Spy: Marvelous Multitasker”

You were skiing a little ways ahead of me on Valley House Traverse–blue jacket, no poles, as you seem to have swapped poles for a coffee, which you were nonchalantly sipping as you skated on by. Please, for the sake of safety (and my love life), grab some poles, ditch the coffee, and let me buy you one with my 10% Ikon Discount (7 days a week at Gate House, baby girl;)

“I Spy: Castlerock Cutie”

You: Sending it down Liftline.

Me: Watching in awe from above.

You may have double ejected over a patch of Rocks, but you can be the queen of my Castle any day. Double-chair date soon?

“I Spy: The PatrO(N)L(Y) One for Me”

I thought my day was ruined when I broke my tibia on Spring Fling. But then you responded to my injury and everything changed. I heard you say that I was a Code 5 Green and that you were stable, over your radio. Well, mystery ski patroller, I am certainly NOT stable–I am in love! And although I’m a little insulted you only think I’m a 5 (you are a SURE 10), I’d still love to be your spring fling;)

“I Spy: A Collision of Heads and Hearts”

We collided near the bottom of Murphy’s Glades and Heaven’s Gate Traverse–totally my fault. Those slow skiing signs are there for a reason, I guess! Thankfully we were both wearing helmets, and I only have a minor concussion. We exchanged information, but in my foggy, brain-boggled state, I gave you the wrong phone number. You must think I’m a jerk! I wanted to check in and see how you fared. And ask if I could take you out on a date to try and redeem myself? No reckless skiing–I promise.

“I Spy: Bill Belichick-ing You Out”

I did a double-take when I saw you in the Lincoln Peak Courtyard–wearing a New England Patriots jacket and everything–only to realize it was a Sunday and the Pats were playing in Buffalo…but then I remembered, you retired in 2023. Was it really you? I can’t be sure. The resemblance was just too uncanny to let this go. If you see this, meet me at Castlerock for first chair next Sunday–let’s see if you can ski like you win back-to-back Superbowls.

“I Spy: Chicken Tender Loving Care”

You, in the Mt. Ellen Cafeteria, pink jacket, helmet, goggles and mittens still on, absolutely HOUSING chicken tendies.

Me, sitting two tables down, mouth agape, flabbergasted by your talent, concerned you might forget to breathe between bites, feeling embarrassed by my lame garden salad. 

You washed down your last french fry with a Fiddlehead and a lodge-shattering burp, and you were out the door and clicked into your skis before I could ask for your number. 

I’m sure you can get down on the slopes like you down chicken tenders. Would love to find out!

“I Spy: LIFTing my Spirits”

We rode Heaven’s Gate together the other day. You had earbuds in, but I could just tell we really had a connection, you know!? Although I was too nervous to strike up conversation (and interrupt your Metallica, which I could hear through your helmet), I think we are destined to be together. You so kindly asked me if I was ready for the bar, not once, but twice. Now it’s my turn. Are YOU ready for the bar?!…Black Sheep tonight queen?!