dropped, sunrise, on the mountain


A lot of pressure gets put on January. Or at least it’s the month that I put the most pressure on anyway. One too many cookies, glasses of eggnog, or whatever your vice may be, every day of the last two weeks of December creates the desire for change. It’s time for a shift in priorities, and I tend to go for maximum contrast. I’ll treat myself to whatever whenever, with the plan to start all over on January 1st. The craving for revitalization kicks in, and I’m on the mission to get it.

But revitalization isn’t usually a quick process. Let’s use Dry January as an example. I stopped drinking as soon as the calendar flipped to 2023, and I wanted instant gratification, but it’s never that easy. You put in the work, you “x” off date blocks on your fresh new calendar, and yet, the benefits take a minute to set in. That’s why it’s important to keep trucking. Some time passed and now I have favorite N/A beverages, my hours of sleep have sky-rocketed, and waking up is a breeze. And as though I’m a microcosm of the greater resort, what do you know the mountain has been undergoing revitalization as well.

Much like how my new habits have started to settle in and make me better for having them, the mountain has started to feel a bit better too. The water bars are finally filling in, edges are actually gripping the contours of the trails, and when Mother Nature is in an extra good mood, we’ve been treated to powder turns and free refills.

Winter feels as if it has truly started. The snow keeps coming, the powder stashes continue to deepen, and we’re officially 100% open thanks in equal parts to Mother Nature and our mountain operations team. I can feel myself taking a deep breath as I type it out. While the beginning of this season might have felt like a bit of a slog, the bounties of our persistence are waiting to be discovered.

And for those who have made it through Dry January along with me, I’d mosey over to the new Black Sheep Bar to celebrate a month well spent. Indulge in a specialty cocktail or keep the momentum rolling with a specialty mocktail in a cozy speakeasy-like atmosphere down at the Sugar Lodge.

See you out there and enjoy the snow,


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123 Main Street
New York, NY 10001

Monday–Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM