sugarbash, wall of fame

Legends and Legacies

Over the years December at the resort has seemingly become synonymous with the idea of legacy. While this final month of the year has always been connected to reflection what with New Year’s resolutions and all that jazz, here at Sugarbush it runs deeper.

There’s this fascinating dichotomy between looking to the year ahead, yet still stopping to reminisce and appreciate the past. In the ski world, December has always been a month of looking ahead. Of being stoked for the season. Of shaking off the rust on our first turns of the year. Of crafting new stories. It’s your time for preparation, pursuing, and placating that itch to get back on the hill. Hopefully your planning phase is over and you have already looked ahead (passes, lodging, ski school, etc.). Now it’s just time to execute.

But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, we like to remember how we got here. And in that sense Sugarbush’s Decembers are also a time to celebrate. Not just holidays but legacies too. In fact, there’s no better example of that than this weekend’s Wall of Fame Celebration and SugarBash. The Wall of Fame, which this year welcomes in Al and Jane Hobart, Brook Weston, and Tony Chiuchiolo, is the ultimate celebration of legacy. It’s looking to the past and recognizing those who have made significant contributions to this community – those who have ascended to legend status.

Similarly, the SugarBash is our annual birthday celebration, now sixty-four years young. It marks the bridge between past and future. We transition from our past and its legacy, via our dancing shoes with The Grift, to look towards the season ahead and craft new stories from which legacies are built. After all, at the end of the day our whole #MySugarbush campaign is built on this idea of storytelling. And when you’re part of enough cool stories, legacy ensues.
So, consider this month an opportunity to both ways, back and forward, past and future. Join us in celebrating our legacy and then help us continue to add to it all season long. Who knows, maybe someday we’ll be the ones being celebrated.

See you on the mountain,