
Donning Our Greens For The Summer

Did you know Sugarbush works on the reverse Memorial Day dress colors schedule? While society tells us it’s a-OK to wear white after Memorial Day, Sugarbush sheds the last of its white in favor of lush greens. I think it suits the mountain just fine.

With the last of the snow behind us (the final patch melted out on June 1st), we’re officially focused on summer activities. Sure, we’re already hard at work prepping for next winter, including our ongoing construction of the new Heaven’s Gate Quad, but summer is in our immediate sights. The Sugarbush Resort Golf Club has already been in full, stop me if you’ve heard this pun one too many times, swing, since it opened in early May. Talk about looking good in green though. The course is in excellent shape, and frankly in a much dryer state than at this time last year. Remember how wet last summer was?

If you haven’t swung (whoops, did it again) by Hogan’s Pub yet this summer, you’ll find a revamped menu alongside the same top notch views you’ve enjoyed in past visits. Oh, and on the topic of food, Rumble’s Bistro & Bar, The Lunch Box, and Sugar Shack are all returning this summer too. And wait, have you tried the sandwiches at Paradise Provisions yet? I buy at least three a week, much to the chagrin of my wife.

Enough about food, what about cooling off?

It’s 90 degrees at the time of publishing this blog after all. Well, the Sugarbush Health and Recreation Center is also in full summer mode. The outdoor pool and hot tub is open daily to complement the indoor offerings of the same nature. Fitness classes, including some featuring the pool, are scheduled through the summer. We’ve had the kids in swim lessons this summer and they’ve been having an absolute blast.

Plus the Sim Suites are still open and available at a lower rate than they were this winter. They’re a great spot for birthday parties and smaller gatherings. I’d personally recommend seeing how fast you can get the old fastball going in the baseball game.

But the real reason for this summer update is to get you up to speed on our mountain operations.

As you likely heard in a previous blog post, we’re suspending mountain bike operations this summer while we complete construction on the new Heaven’s Gate Quad. The construction would have caused us to at a minimum close over half of our mountain bike terrain, so we made the decision to postpone operations this year. As of right now, we intend to bring mountain biking back into the fold next season, and we’ve been in the planning process of potentially expanding our trail system in the future.

We are still planning to offer scenic lift rides on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as holidays. In fact, on July 4th, Lawson’s Finest Liquids is giving everybody FREE lift rides on Super Bravo all day long. Additionally, our disc golf course is back up and running daily, and you can even pay right at the base of the course with a QR code, or better yet, pay in advanced online before you go. Hiking remains an option, as long as you stay away from the construction zone around Heaven’s Gate.

But just a heads up, we won’t be operating the bungee trampoline.

And that’s all without getting into our events. We have everything from recurring events like Friday Night Music at Hogan’s Pub, Tuesdays on the Big Deck, and Music on the Mountain to bigger festivities like our July 4th celebration and disc golf tournaments, and comedy nights. Peruse that events calendar, and you’re bound to find something interesting for you or the family.

So I hope to see you up here this summer. Perhaps at our big July 4th celebration both down in Warren for the parade (we’ll have a float) and up at the mountain for music, games, and fireworks. If not at Sugarbush than maybe down in the Valley where al fresco dining, shopping, and tons of events roar to life with the warmer weather. This place looks pretty darn pretty donning green instead of white. Come catch a glimpse.