Be Still.

Beware of stillness. It can be dizzying.

We are people of hustle, creatures of bustle. One is more likely to witness the wind rest at a red light than see a mountain dweller light long enough to cast a shadow. The blessing (and curse) of adventuresome curiosity is the gnawing desire to wander wondrously. The holiday frame though can sometimes pair a monkey with a wrench; turn our hustling up hills and bustling through bumps into a sometimes-grinding gaggle of gatherings.

The turn toward indoor festivities and prolonged positions on couches and chairs can cause a slight twitching of the eye, quivering of lip. And should that twitchy eye catch a glimpse of a flake of falling snow through a window steamed by a room stuffed past its fire code, well then…all bets are off.

Exits of the most Irish fashion are executed and it’s back into the outdoors we go. And while we might dislocate a shoulder patting ourselves on the back for having such a passion to play outside, such proclivities point to something more important: the need to be still. If not in motion, then at least in mind.
Though it may initially cause a woozy unease, stillness brings awareness. Of breath. Of place and time. And of self in place and time, and of the potential within all three.

There are not too many opportunities to be still in the resort businesses. After all, there’s snow to be made and corduroy cut. Burgers to be flipped and beers to be cheered.

But in this week, the first week of a new year, know that we who cut that corduroy and flip those burgers (and the other 998 folks out there keeping the wheels spinning up here at Sugarbush,) do take a least a minute or two to still our minds. Because if stillness brings just one thing, it is appreciation. For our teammates. For family. For friends. For you. Thank you to those who chose to spend your holidays with us.

We can’t wait to see what 2023 brings.