8 Rounds of Golf and $15,000 Later

A feat of human endurance like none other, on Wednesday, July 31st, Sugarbush’s Resident PGA Professional, Roger King, conquered a whopping 8 rounds of golf (144 holes) in a single day. He took last year’s 100 hole challenge and asked the question, “How can I make this even more difficult?”

Why did he undertake such a feat? Charitable giving. After his family went through battles with cancer, Roger started the King Golf Challenge last year to help raise money for a couple of organizations that really helped them through their journey: Vineyard Havens and Vermont Cancer Patient Support Foundation.

As of a couple days ago, Roger raised over $15,000 for the two organizations from community donations as part of his golf expedition. Starting at 5 AM at the Sugarbush Resort Golf Club, Roger embarked on his challenge with the speed and accuracy only demonstrated by a master of his craft. The forecast called for thunderstorms to roll in early afternoon, and his plan was to shift a couple of rounds indoors to the sports simulators at the Sugarbush Health and Recreation Center. But the bad weather never came. And he somehow managed to accomplish the incredible feat fully outdoors.

As the day waned on and the soreness crept in, Roger approached the 18th green for the final time, followed by a dozen golf carts and dozens more friends, family and community members waiting at the clubhouse. It was truly a spectacular day, with plenty of birdies to boot. What’s on tap for next year? Who knows, but Roger wants to find ways to continue giving. In the meantime, enjoy a quick highlight reel from the day below. And if you want to hang with the guy? You can always book a lesson.

Check out the video recap!