Lincoln Peak 4th

A Different Looking 4th

Win’s Word

Happy 4th of July!  As I said in my last blog, this year’s Fourth of July here in the Mad River Valley will be different than past years due to Covid-19.  The Warren Fourth of July parade will be greatly missed, but I am pleased that we are able to shoot off fireworks at dusk.  Our “drive-in style” fireworks will be different than in past years with online reservations required to reserve one of 500 parking spots in our Lincoln Peak parking lots.  The fireworks, which are being shot from Sugarbear Road, will be visible to all in our parking lots as well as from many of the mountain condos and homes.  We have suggested a donation of at least $20 per car to benefit the Mad River Valley Community Fun which is doing so much to assist families in need, particularly with the recent crises, and we will match those donations up to $10,000.   In addition to the fireworks, Rumble’s will be serving dinner that evening.   Once again reservations are required as well as online ordering. And, we are positioning tables at proper social distancing as well as following all Covid-19 guidelines mandated for restaurants. Both are filling up quickly.

I also want to point out that you will notice that we also have a Black Lives Matter flag along with our USA, State and USFS flags flying outside of The Schoolhouse in recognition and respect for the importance of being a community that welcomes and respects everyone.-

While this weekend is usually one of celebration it is also a time of year when the daylight hours are getting shorter. It always seems unfair to have this occur just as official summer is beginning on the Solstice.  However, less daylight means that ski season is getting nearer, and I cannot wait to slap on my skis again and focus on getting to 100 days next winter.  Ending at 99 was a bummer for me as well as many of you, but it was encouraging to see the results of our early season pass sales.  It demonstrates that despite Covid-19 our community is looking forward to next winter.  As expected, most passholders opted for an Ikon Pass, but we did see strong demand for our various local passes as well.  That really supported our decision to continue offering a variety of options to meet the needs of our community.

In other news on the hill, the fitness room at the SHaRC is now open with a limitation of 6 people at any one time and with reservations required. And the outdoor pool is open as well with a limitation of 25 at any one time and reservations required as well.

Golf is booming and the course is in great shape.  When the weather is nice we are seeing full tee sheets most days and our membership is up significantly over last summer.  Roger King is hard at work giving lessons, and Hogan’s opens on Friday.  It is necessary to make a reservation, call in an order and also pay online. We will be seating properly distanced outside or one can take away and eat elsewhere.

The weather for the Fourth of July weekend up here in the Valley looks great, and I hope that everyone has a great and safe weekend wherever you are.

Stay well and keep doing what it takes to beat this epidemic so that we can all return to normality soon. I am loving my Sugarbush logo face mask.
